As a boy growing up on a local sheep farm Rodney spent his spare
time make decorative shepherds crooks. This is where he learned
to carve in 3D explains Rodney.
The crooks would have numerous designs including dogs, fish,
pheasants and abstract. "I was always good at designing & making
things so I suppose from a young age I had an artistic flair."
After leaving school Rodney gained an engineering degree but
returned to work in his beloved countryside. Through the years
the employment opportunities became less and less and eventually
Rodney became an HGV driver. This paid the bills but his heart
was always in working with his hands.
A huge tree was blown over on my property in a storm. As i was
sawing the tree up for firewood I had the idea to try to carve
something instead. The crook making days came flooding back and
three hours later I had my first chainsaw carving.
Rodney then realised he had the three main ingredients to become
a chainsaw carver, 3D skills, engineering skills and years of
experience with a chainsaw.
Having always had a burning desire to be self employed Rodney
developed Quantum Chainsaw Carving realising he was one of the
very few people in the UK doing this type of artwork.
He built a website and from this got invited to the USA. "It
was like a magnet" explains Rodney, " I had to go."
"Arriving in a strange country to meet a man in an airport with
whom I had only communicated via email was a big step for a
country boy" explains Rodney.
Meeting fellow carvers from around the globe Rodney soon realised
he was one of a small handful of chainsaw carvers in the world
never mind the UK.
The age of the computer was important at that time, a forum
was formed so we could keep in touch and forty five attended
the first year. In 2007 the attendance is averaging 280.
From a humble start Rodney has been instrumental in setting
up a a world wide forum, he is a founder director of The International
Chainsaw Carvers Guild, won a "Master" carver award and many
other awards.
Rodney Holland is well known and respected worldwide as a Master
Chainsaw Carver. |